Sunday, October 19, 2008

Face or book or Face book?

Yup, I agree that facebook can be used in teaching. For example, teacher may create his or her own classroom account, which consist of students profile. Thus, in that account, pupils can give their opinions, comments, or ideas on how to improve the teaching process to become more meaningful to them. So they can learn better...
But still, in my opinion, for me,from my honest thought, does it really so that important to use technology to get to know your students better? Let think for a while, ok. Mostly all of these technology usage(e.g=internet)can be found in urban area. What if there is no internet usage in one particular school in rural area? Ask the pupils to go to CC? wow...just to write some comments on how to improve the learning? wow... Think for a while...This is my opinion la..hope no one mad about it..hehehe... 
However, I do not say that technology is not good for teaching and learning okay.. just, for me, it depends on the situation also..if facebook be able to help teaching and learning proficiency become better, well why not we give a try,right?thats all from me..
Sory and salam....

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