Sunday, October 19, 2008

Face or book or Face book?

Yup, I agree that facebook can be used in teaching. For example, teacher may create his or her own classroom account, which consist of students profile. Thus, in that account, pupils can give their opinions, comments, or ideas on how to improve the teaching process to become more meaningful to them. So they can learn better...
But still, in my opinion, for me,from my honest thought, does it really so that important to use technology to get to know your students better? Let think for a while, ok. Mostly all of these technology usage(e.g=internet)can be found in urban area. What if there is no internet usage in one particular school in rural area? Ask the pupils to go to CC? wow...just to write some comments on how to improve the learning? wow... Think for a while...This is my opinion la..hope no one mad about it..hehehe... 
However, I do not say that technology is not good for teaching and learning okay.. just, for me, it depends on the situation also..if facebook be able to help teaching and learning proficiency become better, well why not we give a try,right?thats all from me..
Sory and salam....

How to enhance the usage of computer lab?

This may one the topic that I want to talk about before the class for this sem ends. There are many ways that teacher can promote pupils to use the computer lab:  
- The first way is teacher may bring pupils to the computer lab at least once a week.
- Teacher may asks the pupils to find something in the internet. For example surfing the    internet to find some info about the topic that they will learn in the future.
- Not only that, what teacher can do is teacher may integrate teaching technique which require some usage of the technologies. For example teacher may use Microsoft Power Point Presentation or Smartboard to show pupils about the topic in order to make the learning more meaningful to them. Thus, teahcer may use the computer lab to enhance more the usage of the sofwares.
So, it is crystal clear that there are many ways that teacher can use to enhance the usage of the computer lab for the pupils.      

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Future classroom?

Today topic is about my future classroom...
I would like to have a conducive learning environment classroom. In this class the pupils would be interested to learn and understand the subject. Yes, I agree that technologies play major role to enhance the pupils understanding about the learning subject and creates a future and technological classroom. But still, in my opinion it depends on the teacher himself. This is because it is vital for the teacher to know the best for the pupils in order to create a meaningful learning environment. For instance, if the usage of the technologies gives the same results( no improvement), it is better to find other alternative ways to teach the pupils. Therefore, it is wise for the teacher to be prepared and be ready to use the technologies as the medium of the teaching tools. By the end, teacher should consider many factors before starting to teaching the pupils especially with the usage of the technologies.
Until then...tata...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

FISH Method...Ikan Kekek? No..

This is the week before Raya Eve...

Prof. teached us about FISH, not the live one but the method. Orait, FISH is a skill that provides the process, tools and language to generate the skills necessary to design a workplace full of inspiration, creativity and innovation. FISH! creates a common language. A language that will help improve your culture by using four simple practices Be There, Play, Make Their Day and Choose Your Attitude.

 FISH! is a wisdom that everyone can embrace. It is an invitation that enables people to care about each other and their commitments. FISH! is an ongoing journey. It is a practice and a skill that evolves over time creating a positive workplace for the people. 

Thus, relates it teaching environment, it is important for the teacher to create an environment that is not threatening for the pupils. So what teacher can do is teacher may integrate some activities that make us be there, play with them, make their day with a smile, and choose our attide since we will be their role model in future. 


Monday, September 15, 2008

Changes.. Thanks Prof and other lectures..

Salam, thanks GOd because we are given more times to do our assigment. Nothing much to say, but still must keep up the good work. Till then, thanks again Prof and other lectures.
Don't worry, we will make use of the time THIS TIME very wisely..Hohohoho....
As we reflect on the story post by Prof. (duck and eagle), we must be rationale on what we are doing. I agree on what the story are all about, but still I have my own opinion. Sometimes complains can make people aware of what we want to propose, right?. We do not always want to be a passive person. So, do always reflect on our self. That's all for now untill we meet again..Salam..An eagle? I do not want to be an eagle. I am proud to be myself. An eagle did not have mind to think for its action, but a human must take full responsibility of his actions. So bye bye again..

Mistakes..What to do..Hahaha...

This week we are asked to go in front and present the best from our group. The guys choose me to present in front. Hahaha...actually I did not prepared it very well. There are lots of error in it. Before I present it in I already look into it. When I check it again I myself identified lots of errors. But still what to do, the others also did not ready yet. So, just present what I got. For me, I take it easy. This is because after been commented by the lecturers, I found lots of new things and I learn lots of new things. Some of it are the suitability of the layout, the fonts, the appropriate sentences for the target audience 'year one primary pupils'. As old people always say that 'Learn from the mistakes'. Therefore, from this quotation, it is a banchmark for me to correct the mistakes from what have I done. That's all for this time, thank you.Till then, Salam...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Smartboard again?

This is one of the time when we need to put our selves to higher momentum. Because we need to produce another work that using Smartboard. Wow, there is a lot work to do with this Smart Board activity. The requirements of the task must suits with our group activity such as the C.S., Learning Outcomes, and many more. Thus, we must keep up the good work. Till then, must work and work.Oh yes, I almost forget that there are some notes that were given by the lecturer for us to look into. The IWBs Tolley. In this notes there some ideas that we need to consider when we doing our Smartboard task. The ideas were divided into 3 part which are pART 1 (The Technical Bits), Part 2 (The Sofware), Part 3( Five Level of Interactivity), and Part 4( Twelve Teaching Technique). But the most thing that I found interesting about this notes is the 'Endnotes'. This part tells lots of thing for me to consider when I want create the activity using the SmartBoard. By the end, I hope that this task can help me to improve myself to make a good and interactive activity for my future primary pupils.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My week 6 in techno classroom..

This is my 6th week in techno classroom. We just receive our new assignment that involving the usage of Smart board in the classroom. Wow, eventhough for me it is little bit tired because we just hand in our 1st assignment, but still this is the circle of life, right? So, never mind for me.Hehehe..
Ms. Chin showed us some of our senior Smart board interactive exercises. Honestly speaking, this is one of the way that enable us to further our understanding and clarification about the usage of Smartboard. Specifically, inserting some of the exercises into classroom activities or primary school topic.
Oh, I almost forget that before that Prof.Maznah reflected our 1st assignment. There are lots of thing that we managed to discuss about it. Also, there are lots of room for improvement in my 1st assignment as I realized where are the MISTAKES that I have done. Thus, thanks for her advices I be able to improvise my self in the next assignment. Till then, salam and bye...and above is one of my storyline in the making of my video clip.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The fifth week..SMART board & Video

During this week, we are supposed to hand in our assignment (video editing) on Wednesday. So there is not much to say but this is the first time I do and create video clip. My video clip basically is about introducing to the young language learners about present continuous tense. In that video, I include many movement that related to young language learners such as reading a book, drinking water, and playing football. I hope that it can be used for them someday.
Then, in this weekend we also learned about on how to use SMART board by using the new software. For me, the usage of SMART board in the classroom is one of the way that a teacher can do to enhance a one of the conducive classroom. There a lots of activity that we can use to make the pupils interact and to be involved in the lesson. The teaching process can be more fun and interesting as pupils can do lots of hands in activity on the SMART board. So the classroom environment would not bored and dull. Thus, by teaching us on how to use the SMART board at least can make us become more SMART teacher in the future.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My 4th week... Educational Portals..

This is my fourth week in the technology classroom.
The lecture started with Ms. Chin presentation about some of the portal that can be used for future teacher like me.
Some of the portal that I can use is,, and
For me, what has been presented by Ms. Chin in front of the class is very useful for us in order to find and search any materials that can be used as our teaching aids, sources of my assigments and some of video clips that I can relate to my studies in this course.
Not only that, by showing some of these portal to me, I can use it as my references to further and updating my understanding about what is going on our educational system.
Thus, I very thankful to Ms. Chin as for her who gave and introduced my friends and I about the portal that can be very useful for us in order to keep up with what is happen around our educational in our beloved nation.
By that, that is all from me during this weekend...
Do free to check out my blog list as I already put up some of the educational portals above for you guys to log on..Try it..

Sunday, July 27, 2008

My 3rd week

This is my third week in technology classroom. The Miss Chin taught my friend and me about ASSURE model which is very important as we will be teacher someday whose will carry out and practice the National Philosophy of Education for the goodness of our students in the future.
As for myself, I felt that by introducing the ASSURE model to me, I will learn and know on how to analyze my future learners. For example the students’ interest and needs those are important for me to identify in order to find and deliver the knowledge to them.
Moreover, through ASSURE model I learned that the importance of stating the objective of my learning outcomes and learning objectives in my lesson plan. This is because I will know the condition of my students’ performance in the classroom. Thus, it easier for me to tackle the obstacles when I already know the outcomes before the lesson started.
Besides that, by selecting the correct methods, media and materials which I learned in this technology classroom, it reminds me to notify the existing materials that will enhance the development of the students’ proficiency.
In addition, after listening to Miss Chin's lecture about ASSURE model, it informed me on always to be alert and be able to evaluate and revise the before, during and after the lesson took place since this is important to assess the learners and media methods in order to find the suitable approaches to teach and generate the pupils’ proficiency.
In conclusion, through this third week of technology lecture, it teaches me a lot especially on how to practice and become one of the SMART teacher in the future.


This is my third week in technology classroom. The lecturer taught my friend and me about ASSURE model which is very important as we will be teacher someday whose will carry out and practice the National Philosophy of Education for the goodness of our students in the future.
As for myself, I felt that by introducing the ASSURE model to me, I will learn and know on how to analyze my future learners. For example the students’ interest and needs those are important for me to identify in order to find and deliver the knowledge to them.
Moreover, through ASSURE model I learned that the importance of stating the objective of my learning outcomes and learning objectives in my lesson plan. This is because I will know the condition of my students’ performance in the classroom. Thus, it easier for me to tackle the obstacles when I already know the outcomes before the lesson started.
Besides that, by selecting the correct methods, media and materials which I learned in this technology classroom, it reminds me to notify the existing materials that will enhance the development of the students’ proficiency.
In addition, after listening to Miss.. about ASSURE model, it informed me on always to be alert and be able to evaluate and revise the before, during and after the lesson took place since this is important to assess the learners and media methods in order to find the suitable approaches to teach and generate the pupils’ proficiency.
In conclusion, through this third week of technology lecture, it teaches me a lot especially on how to practice and become one of the SMART teacher in the future.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Making Video Clip? Wow!!!

First and for most, there are many ways for a future teacher like me to teach and deliver the knowledge to the pupils. One of the best ways that teacher can implied it in their teaching classroom is through the usage of technology which is by showing video clips to the pupils. That is why by learning to create and make video clips can help me to build the pupils’ cognitive development since we can find that in video clips it already serve their viewers especially students with colourful and attractive pictures, interesting stories line, and varieties of audio or sound systems in it. For surely this can attract the pupils’ attention and make them to be focused on what we are trying to teach and say in front of the classroom. Thus, it is easier for teaching and learning process to take place in the classroom by showing the pupils some video clips.

Moreover, there are many strategies that a teacher can adopt and bring it out to the classroom by using video clips. For instance, we can tell a story by using video clip in stead of we use the usual and traditional way of story telling technique which is the usage of a story book. Therefore, with the usage of video clips in delivering a story, it can destroy boring and dull situations in a classroom and create conducive environment for teaching and learning process. Not only that, we can also upload cartoon and show to the pupils on how to appreciate friends such as ‘Spongebob Squarepant’ since this cartoon always indicate to the viewers to love their friends. Then, if we want to teach the pupils about occupation, we can use a song which has a storyline in it that entitled “Postman Pad”. This song teaches the pupils about the different occupation and their importance. Therefore, pupils can easily to differentiate the different kinds of jobs that they can found in their daily life.

In conclusion, through out these strategies I found that in order a teacher to share and deliver the knowledge and attract the pupils’ attention in the classroom, there must be a best way to deliver it. As for me, I strongly agree that one of the best ways to teach the pupils is with the usage of video clips. That is why it is crucial for me to learn on how to create a dynamic video clip since I will be a future teacher and without regrets I am saying this “I am very thankful to God that because of Him, by giving me this opportunities and chances to learn on how to create and make a video clip that can be useful in the teaching fields for the sake of my future pupils”.


Smartboard or it's full name ; SMART Board interctive whiteboards. Really make everyone arround it look and feel smart. Why I say that?
This is because, it makes teching interesting thus easier to be absorb. It helps me to integrate digital information in teaching, presenting and brainstorming. This product improves learning and meeting effectiveness by enhancing communication nd stimulating students' enggement which saves time, effort and energy to prepare the resources.

When I imagine myself s a learner in a class that uses smartbord, it motivates me because of the very energizing presentation which involves reinforcement and 'mind map' kind of studying. Both the teacher nd learners can use vividly coloured electronic ink to highlight important information. It enables me, as a future teacher to write notes, insert diagrams, link to websites and save my work for future use.

I really enjoyed this class and cannot wait to see what I can do with all the features.This fantastic board can really generates learning to the learner's maximum level. Realistically, maybe when I gradute, I will not use it as not all school will be provided with this technology. But, never least I got to know and given the opportunity to interact with it.
That's all for today!

Friday, July 11, 2008

How technology is going to affect how your students are going to be learning?

Firstly, what can I say about the usage of technology in primary classroom is it is very crucial for the pupils to learn by using technology. As it was stated in the book entitle "How Language are Learned"(Nina Spada & Lightbown,1999), Jean Piaget claims that children see and understand something by acquiring the knowledge through seeing and monitoring concrete object which parallel at the children level of 'Preoperational Stage'.

For instance, by using technology such as the power point presentation and showing to the pupils some educational video clips, this is one of the best way on how the technology affect pupils' learning process. Pupils will understand some topic easier and faster, for an example showing an educational video clip about the growth of a tree to the pupils. This is because this video clip will prevent the dull situation of the classroom and creates a new fun situation in the learning classroom. Pupils will be more interested to learn as they can hear some of the sounds of birds chippering, the river flows and the grass whispering. All this technology will make the learning process become more simple and fun. When there is fun in their learning, there must be the feeling of interest that embarks in the pupils to learn. Therefore, the learning is easier to take place in their mind. That is why technology is very important in affecting the pupils to learn in their classroom.
As a conclusion, I myself repeat the same idea again that technology is crucial in affecting the pupils’ process of learning in the classroom.

How you as a teacher will be learning?

As for myself, the usage of technology is very helpful for me especially when I be able to exploit many things by surfing the Internet before I enter a class. Thus it will help me to explain to the pupils in many and different criteria or topics. Then, technology does really save lots of time for me to be prepared before entering any classes. It just by clicking on the title that we want to find it on the website, it will appear in blink of an eye. It is totally different at the time when I need to find a specific book relates to the topic that the pupils and I will be discussing in the classroom.
Moreover, by learning the technology, it really building up my confidence as a future teacher as I be ready enough to stand up to the front and help others teacher and myself if anything goes wrong with their computer and the soft wares. It is really important if anything goes wrong during teaching and learning takes place in the classroom especially when using the technology as LCD, power point presentation and other soft wares. What if it did not turn out exactly as we plan to? Who will we depend on to solve that problem? The pupils? Exactly not right. It will totally give shames to me if I ask for help from my pupils. That is why it is important for me to start to learn on how does technology works and affects the teaching and learning process.
Furthermore, about the teaching aids such as pictures and video clips that I can find them on the website. I can use them as one of my set induction before I starting a lesson. There will be varieties of videos that I can show it to the pupils. It surely can attract their attention and prevent them from doing anything else in the classroom. Therefore, it easier for me to deliver the knowledge to the pupils as their mind already focused on what I showed to them before this.
By the end, I strongly agree a future teacher as me is important to learn on how to use the technology wisely in order to make the pupils understand the knowledge which I will deliver to them.

My view about PLEaSe...

This is my 1st week learning the technology, nothing much I would reflect on but somehow there is a word that which really get my attention and the word is “PLeaSe”.As you all can see, the presentation about ‘PLeaSe’ by Madam Maznah is one of the important presentation to help us as the future teacher to find out and realize what are the personal learning and student engagement from the students.

When Madam Maznah shows to us the word ‘Please’ is one of the ideas that make us to think what is the exactly meaning of it. After she taught about the “PLeaSe”, now I already know and agree on her believe that SMART teachers can only be trained to be ready through a total immersion in technology-based learning environment. The reason is we who live the 21st century must be equip with the wider knowledge in order for us to build an atmosphere which it can make the students to be eager to learn and acquire the knowledge. How do we do that? Simple… Just use the same word as what Madam Maznah has teaches us before, “PleaSe”.

From my point of view, “PLeaSe” will enable us as a future teacher to exploit projects which is based on real life situation by using technology. Not only that, ‘PLeaSe” teaches us on how to engage learners in very active learning style. Of course we do not want our students to study in a dull situation classroom, right? When we want t use “PLeaSe” as our approach, we must also bare in our mind that there is scaffolding that we need to build first. This is important for us to observe and facilitate our students’ own knowledge in order for them to reach the personalization of learning environment and self engagement. That is why by constructing “PLeaSe”, it is also one of the best and realistic ways for the teacher trainees like us to be SMART.

Therefore to be SMART, I myself do must engage in the learning environment, not hoping from Madam Maznah notes only. Surely it will train my self to learn not a person who always to be teach by others. As I still remember in the last presentation by Madam Maznah, ‘Do not teach them, let them learn'.

Oh, I almost forgot, before I ended my reflection about the lecture in the first week, I really admire Madam Maznah when she always love to SMILE. This is good for me as this is one of the ways to reduce the stress during learning take place. I never see such teacher always love to smile. Thank you Madam Maznah for letting us to bare in our mind that this course is not so stressful enough.