Friday, July 11, 2008

How technology is going to affect how your students are going to be learning?

Firstly, what can I say about the usage of technology in primary classroom is it is very crucial for the pupils to learn by using technology. As it was stated in the book entitle "How Language are Learned"(Nina Spada & Lightbown,1999), Jean Piaget claims that children see and understand something by acquiring the knowledge through seeing and monitoring concrete object which parallel at the children level of 'Preoperational Stage'.

For instance, by using technology such as the power point presentation and showing to the pupils some educational video clips, this is one of the best way on how the technology affect pupils' learning process. Pupils will understand some topic easier and faster, for an example showing an educational video clip about the growth of a tree to the pupils. This is because this video clip will prevent the dull situation of the classroom and creates a new fun situation in the learning classroom. Pupils will be more interested to learn as they can hear some of the sounds of birds chippering, the river flows and the grass whispering. All this technology will make the learning process become more simple and fun. When there is fun in their learning, there must be the feeling of interest that embarks in the pupils to learn. Therefore, the learning is easier to take place in their mind. That is why technology is very important in affecting the pupils to learn in their classroom.
As a conclusion, I myself repeat the same idea again that technology is crucial in affecting the pupils’ process of learning in the classroom.


lieza said...

yup!i agree with u that techno helps children a lot to have a fun learning. the idea of using video clip is good because it involves moving pictures, real thing or may be animation. just relate with what children always do at home. watching cartoons right? thus video clip is helping in classroom too. however, as teacher we also must prepare for the consequences of using technology, whether positive or negative....:)

M.Fahmiizani said...

Yup, I AGREE with that lieza...Thanks